Cams Biometrics Fingerprint Scanner API - Javascript API for fingerprint scanners of SLK20R, ZK4500, ZK9500, MFS100, etc.

Our Web API service offers seamless integration for a variety of fingerprint scanners, including models from ZKTeco, Mantra, and more. This service operates within your local network, eliminating the need for an internet connection. Rest assured, the API exclusively communicates with your own web page, where the API calls are initiated.

Key Features: Supported Scanners:

Our service supports a range of fingerprint scanners, including but not limited to:

For scanners not listed above, we offer the option of providing additional support at an extra cost. Please contact our technical support team via WhatsApp at (+91) 984-098-1006 to inquire about compatibility and pricing for your specific scanner model.

Customization and Developer-Friendly:

We are open to API customization to meet your unique business requirements. Whether you need specific features or adjustments, our team is ready to assist you in tailoring the API to your needs.

Upon purchasing our service, you'll receive a software development kit (SDK) along with a sample HTML file. This HTML file is designed for testing API functionalities and can be easily customized to meet your unique business requirements.

Platform Compatibility:

Our service is currently compatible with all Windows platforms (32-bit/64-bit). We are actively engaged in research and development efforts to extend support to Linux, Android, and iOS platforms in the future.

Technical Support:

For the first three months following your purchase, you'll receive technical support at no additional cost. After this initial period, a nominal charge of $20 USD will apply for any technical support requests.

API Validity:

This item enables API with out validity duration. Scanner API License must be attached to get the License validity associated to this API. Without validity, it can not be used.

  • Ensure that the appropriate scanner driver is installed on your computer.
  • Verify that your scanner is functioning correctly with its default desktop application.

Note: The API documentation is available at Web API Documentation. The following video will help you understand the working behavior and code changes required for integrating it with your own code.

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Fingerprint Scanner API - Javascript API for fingerprint scanners of SLK20R, ZK4500, ZK9500, MFS100, etc.

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